All information you need
to buy your Splendour in the Grass tickets

Splendour in the Grass Tickets

Splendour in the Grass Tickets

Venue: North Byron Parklands
1st edition: 2001
City: Yelgun (
Address: North Byron Parklands, Yelgun, Australia

On this page you will find all information for Splendour in the Grass tickets. This festival takes place at North Byron Parklands in the city of Yelgun (Australia). The first edition took place 23 years ago in 2001. Splendour in the Grass's last edition was scheduled from 22 July to 24 July 2022.

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Social Media

If you are interested in Splendour in the Grass's social media, here are Splendour in the Grass's Facebook page, Splendour in the Grass's Twitter account, Splendour in the Grass's Instagram, Splendour in the Grass's YouTube channel, and Splendour in the Grass's official website. You will be able to find posts, photos and videos published by Splendour in the Grass.

Splendour in the Grass Past Editions
Splendour in the Grass 2022
22 July to 24 July 2022
Line-up: Gorillaz - The Strokes - Tyler, The Creator - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Glass Animals - Liam Gallagher - Kacey Musgraves - Duke Dumont - Violent Soho - DMA's - Yungblud - Tim Minchin - Jack Harlow - Amyl and The Sniffers - ...